De Boa Jiu Jitsu is happy to support the D.A.N. Jiu Jitsu Tournament at Nava BJJ in Mesa this weekend. This is the 2nd Annual D.A.N. Tournament, this exciting event helps bring awareness to Neurofibromatosis type 2(NF2). Head Instructor of Nava BJJ, Paul Nava, knows NF2 all to well as his wife, and two children live with it. To find out more about this disease and the tournament go to D.A.N. Tournament info.
Competition is an important piece to most peoples journey in Jiu Jitsu. As a competitor you're not guaranteed to win, but without a doubt should be prepared to learn and grow. Jiu Jitsu competitions break up the competitors into age, belt and weight class to insure tough matches all around.
Did you play high school sports? Do you miss the competition?
This is what leads many athletes towards Jiu Jitsu. It is refreshing to be able to compete at the highest level, from the 5 year old day one white belt, to the 40 something year old Black Belt. Goals can be set and with the right training met.
Come check out De Boa as we prepare to make a big splash in the 2015 tournament season! It is great to have a team around you as you work towards your goals this year in Jiu Jitsu and life.